Monday, January 23, 2012

Big Mutha Fuckin Obsolete Iron

This is not motorcycles, but it IS obsolete and iron. I spent the day shooting some photo aboard the USS Hornet docked as a museum in Alameda on Sunday. These are some shots I got there and wanted to share.

Hope you enjoyed the show. Back to motorcycles next time.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sneak Peek at some New Work

Working on a new series of photos for display at the Unfinished Projects Show in SF this Saturday February 25 at 6 pm.

You will be surprised at the end product but for now here are a couple of shots to wet your appetite. I am hoping to have some of my stuff on display. Still talking....

Wonder what's next? You will have to wait... maybe even show up at the show to see.... 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hall Ranch revisited

For Mike at Old STF... I think this is right... I would have preferred the other side, but as my friend always says...It is what it is.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Some Artsy Stuff from Hall Ranch

I have had some time to work on some of the shots of the Hall Ranch Dust Up 2012. Ok, so some of these are not motorcycles but they ARE obsolete iron. Take a look.... and thanks for checking in.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hall Ranch - the rest of the story

Here's the rest of the photos from the "day after"....

That's about it for the weekend except for the ones I got a little creative with. More to post on those. Keep checking in. Thanks for coming by and feel free to subscribe for updates. I have sold out of calendars for now but am thinking of ordering more if anyone is interested. Let me know.
Remember 2013 calendars will be available by June but I need some good chopper shots to include. As always, if you have a bike you would like to submit to the calendar project, just contact me with a shot and a time you have open to meet up for a layout. I can be reached here. If you just want a photo shoot of your bike or..... let me know. Appointments are available.